Thursday, August 9, 2012

Orange you Glad that Phase II is Started?

There's something about starting the day off with a nice cup of orange...glaze...that soothes the soul.

Facing down another -albeit the last- long stretch of 8' x 80' wall. Taking a deep breath, I steel myself for the final slog on this marathon of painting.

As per usual with my technique, I invest in a 'global glaze' where each successive glaze (in the first instance 'Hansa Orange Medium') is applied over the entire surface to basically separate the dark from the light. I consider this and all of the subsequent glazes to be a 'full-spectrum tonal study' that eventually sidles up to the natural color.

One day's painting yields about one-third of the first glaze. If patience is a virtue then this must be a truly virtuous undertaking! 

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